Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Change In Plans

Angela, this one is for you, and was supposed to be of you. (You can read about it on my blog). I remembered a comment you made earlier stating that something from Germany, a favorite place of yours, would be something that you'd like to see in your moleskin. I shot the reference photo in Frankfurt, and thought it might cover all of the bases regarding your wishes. With a couple of kids in the background, and a hound that needs a bit of schooling, this picture screamed ANGELA to me. Hope you like it.


  1. Vern, I love everything about this! The composition (brilliant!), the perspective, the dog, the title...and that pop lime green color is all AMAZING!

  2. WOW.... this is fabulous Vern. Angela is an elegant woman and she is perfectly portrayed as such here. Yet a fun lady with the lime green outfit.
    I just love this picture. The birds,the shades, dog and composition everything is so wonderful.

  3. I love this, too. Angela's going to flip! Your colors, the fantastic composition, that beautiful hair, great dog, dynamic action....Wonderful work, Vern!

  4. Well done, Vern! What a great scene, and as Michelle stated - great composition. That green against the toned down colors really draws your attention.

  5. I just love the perspective and your point of view-its a moving image!

  6. This is Angela!!!
    What a fantastic job.
    And this green is a killer.
    Everything is so beautiful.

  7. Ditto what everyone else said, I love it Vern!

  8. I still have tennis elbow from my dog doing this 5 years ago. Love that Vern palette and the smoothly painted surface that looks like this *has* to be linen -- but I guess it can't be if it's a moleskin. Hmmm, you sure fooled me!

  9. Vern, I love this painting and am shocked that you nailed me so well; this seriously could be me! I've never owned a green suit before, but perhaps now is the time, surely Jay wouldn't mind a little mall shopping.

    Every single element works together beautifully; this is a most harmonious painting and I agree with everyone above. One of the many, many things that I like here is the dog pulling the viewer off the page. There's a superb tension between the peaceful background and the unanswered question of where the dog is leading the viewer. I am thrilled to be it's recipient, but not thrilled to have to wait to see it in person. I love participating in our moleskine adventure, but the waiting is truly trying my patience. Thank you so very much, Vern, this is outstanding!!!!

  10. How fun!!

    I am glad I saw this AFTER Angela saw it and that she liked it.... That was my thought when I first saw the painting.

    It IS a wonderful painting, Vern!!

  11. I thought I had commented on this piece a long time ago...Sorry, Vern.
    A fine job of including Angela in the painting. The dalmatian straining on the leash adds to the fun!
