Friday, December 17, 2010

"Goin' Home" by Edward Burton

5 3/4"x8"

This is for Dana Cooper's book. I have been on a roll painting beach scenes, so here is one for Dana. This is my last posting for The Flying Moleskins.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Palm Towers by Dana Cooper

This is my submission for Michelle Burnett's moleskine book for the Flying Moleskin project. I have often heard visitors to California remark about the palm trees on their first view of the area. Michelle had asked that the artists who paint in her book paint anything to do with the artist or where they are from. So being from sunny southern California where these palms tower over many public spaces and streets, the trees were my choice. Having painted them before, I thought it would come easily...hmmm, guess again!

Hope you like this Michelle!