Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Young Lady..." Dana Cooper

10" X 8" oil on gessoed paper

This is my submission for Dean Haven's "Flying Moleskin" book. I know Dean to be a generous blogger friend and a talented artist who paints a variety of subjects.

My initial thought was to do a portrait of Dean until I came across a photo I had taken at MOMA in NY of a young woman taking a photo of a black and white portrait by Chuck Close. Ah, ha...the planet and stars aligned and she is now taking a photo of Dean! He seems to be saying, "young lady, why are you taking my photo?"...hope you like it Dean!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Change In Plans

Angela, this one is for you, and was supposed to be of you. (You can read about it on my blog). I remembered a comment you made earlier stating that something from Germany, a favorite place of yours, would be something that you'd like to see in your moleskin. I shot the reference photo in Frankfurt, and thought it might cover all of the bases regarding your wishes. With a couple of kids in the background, and a hound that needs a bit of schooling, this picture screamed ANGELA to me. Hope you like it.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

FUTURE OF FORESTRY - Dominique Eichi

                 8 x 23   Acrylic
This is for Edward's moleskin and his theme is MUSIC so my piece is about a band with a name I love since trees are
Future of Forestry is a musical group my daughter introduced me to. She brought me to a concert of theirs at Christmas time in San Diego. I was blown away by the sound they had. So different yet powerful, even with the traditional songs of Christmas.
This song is called SLOW YOUR BREATH DOWN from their new CD   " Travel III " ,    it is beautiful, out this June.
This is a Christian band and they are getting a lot of traction on MTV and in other arenas.
I hope you listen to them and enjoy them as much as I do.
I've always love the Cello but when I saw this one I was blown away.
This instrument I still don't know what it is but the sound it makes is beautiful.
Burst into jubilant song with music. ps98:4

They are on U-TUBE HERE

PS .. I guess this time out I'm the one that needed the push for I AM LATE,  sorry it's in the mail.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Liz Holm for Michelle

Ryan, Megan

This is for Michelle Burnett.  I was wracking my brain for snapshot or postcard ideas from my past, and became so melancholy looking through old photos, I had to stop. Then I noticed some of the cutest kids I'd ever seen on Michelle's FB page. The apple really doesn't fall far.

This is in the air to Adebanji. Sorry I'm late everyone.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dove Love

Acrylic on 8x10 moleskin paper.
By Dean H.

James Parker did a fine white dove as part of his beautiful entry. I have to second the motion (emotion). So I painted my version.The mourning dove...The very epitome and symbol of peace.

Words that, to me, describe one of my favorite birds, the dove....muted colors...soft cooing call...vulnerable and non-threatening.

This is my entry into Camille LaRue Olsen's moleskin. Her theme is Peace. Hope you like it, Camille!

This will soon be coming to you, Vern.

Genesis 8:11 When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

For the love of Radishes - Irit Bourla

                                     oil on gessoed paper and varnished

I love red and I love radishes ... is it weird or what ?
The earthy-spicy flavor of radish, unlike any other vegetable, can bring out unexpected flavors in your meals.
You brought an unexpected excitement to my life with this blog.!
This is for " DEAN "  the spice of life !

Monday, May 10, 2010

Bluebird for Sheila

8"x8", oil on gessoed cardboard
by Michelle Burnett
Here is my contribution to Sheila Tajima's sketchbook. I think the bluebird is very symbolic of Sheila since it represents cheerfulness and happiness. I think of her wonderful ability to spread happiness with all of the cheerful comments she leaves!

Her theme is things you love. My new "love" is of birds! Since I painted the chickadee, I've had this new fascination with birds and have been wanting to paint more. I've also been seeing them home decor and jewelry, (which I've been buying up) and plenty in my backyard. (Ah...a wonderful sign of spring!) 

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Flying Bunny for Irit

My daughter's bunny rabbit has come back here to roost, as she has just moved home. He is very soft and affectionate, loves to run circles around our feet or cuddle up while we watch LOST or Glee. I didn't know what to do for Irit (speaking of 'lost') so, there he was, and now here he is. I started to use brighter colors to suit Irit's color taste more, but he's just bunny-colored so I gave him a darker background to set him off. Hope you enjoy, Irit!

Lake Anna Swans

Close up
Acrylic on 8x10 moleskin paper.
I'm running a bit late because of mail issues. I blame volcano ashes and postal goof ups...anything or anyone but moi!

These are swans from one of my favorite places...Lake Anna in Barberton, Oh.
A beautiful spot smack dab in a very urban area. Usually filled with walkers, joggers,and just plain ol' bench sitters, My favorite times to be there were early morning or late evening...when everything quieted down.

This is my entry into Angela Elledge's moleskin. Her general theme is Places. Hope you like it, Angela!

Get ready, Vern...comin' atcha! Hope this shipment goes smoother than the last nightmare.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


7 x 22 AcrylicClick Images to Enlarge

Dominique's theme is woods, forest, shadows, and other stuff like that. Well, when I lived in Costa Rica and before I had a blogspot, I had a regular website....Yimi Art. Dominique had somehow found that site and sent me a couple of E-Mails commenting and trying to get me to figure out a way to be able to leave comments directly on the site. I found blogspot shortly after and Dominique and Sheila were my first followers. So, since I first had contact with Dominique while I was in Costa Rica, I returned to the rainforest for my artwork in her sketchbook. Besides, I like painting parrots and frogs. And, confidentially,...I kinda identify with the monkeys. Hm-m-m, now where did I leave my banana?
P.S. I'm adding this after posting...I noticed I left out two important elements which I will add and have on the painting when I post it on my blog in a couple of days. OOPs, sorry.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Great Horned Owls

I thought I'd keep in step with Dean's family theme for James Parker's book, so I painted these two natural born killers...ha, from photos I took of them in my backyard last May. Judging by all the duck parts I found in our yard, I think they too would have LOVED your paintings Mr. Haven. James, I know you are partial to birds with all the beautiful paintings you do of them, so I hope this works for you. Cheers my friend.